Covers those areas where the EU in the medium term intends to become the most competitive and dynamic, knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion.
Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health: To exploit breakthroughs achieved in decoding the genomes of living organisms, for the benefit of public health and to increase the competitiveness of the European biotechnology industry. Also to bring basic knowledge through to the application stage to enable real progress at European level in medicine and improve the quality of life.
Information society technologies: Intended to stimulate the development in Europe of both hardware and software technologies and applications at the heart of the creation of the information society in order to increase the competitiveness of European industry and allow European citizens the possibility of benefiting fully from the development of the knowledge-based society
Nanotechnologies and nano-sciences, knowledge-based multifunctional materials and new production processes and devices: Intended to help Europe achieve a critical mass of capacities needed to develop and exploit, especially for greater eco-efficiency and reduction of discharges of hazardous substances to the environment, leading-edge technologies for the knowledge-based products, services and manufacturing processes of the years to come.
Aeronautics and space To strengthen, by integrating its research efforts, the scientific and technological bases of the European aeronautics and space industry and encouraging it to become more competitive at international level; and to help exploit the potential of European research in this sector with a view to improving safety and environmental protection.
Food quality and safety Intended to help establish the integrated scientific and technological bases needed to develop an environmentally friendly production and distribution chain of safer and varied food. To control food-related risks, relying on biotechnology tools taking into account post-genomic research, as well as to control health risks associated with environmental changes.
Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems Intended to strengthen the scientific and technological capacities needed for Europe to be able to implement sustainable development, and integrating its environmental, economic and social objectives with particular regard to renewable energy, transport, and sustainable management of Europe's land and marine resources.
Citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society Intended to mobilise in a coherent effort, in all their wealth and diversity, European research capacities in economic, political, social sciences and humanities necessary to develop an understanding of the emergence of the knowledge-based society and new forms of relationships between its citizens, on the one hand and between its citizens and institutions, on the other.
Research for policy support Intended to respond to the scientific and technological needs of the policies of the Community, underpinning the formulation and implementation of Community policies, bearing in mind also the interests of future members of the Community and associated countries. They may include pre-normative research, measurement and testing.
New and emerging science and technology (NEST) Intended to respond flexibly and rapidly to major unforeseeable developments, emerging scientific and technological problems and opportunities, as well as needs appearing at the frontiers of knowledge, more specifically in multi-thematic and interdisciplinary areas.
Specific SME activities Carried out in support of European competitiveness and enterprise and innovation policy, these specific activities are intended to help European SMEs in traditional or new areas to boost their technological capacities and develop their ability to operate on a European and international scale.
International co-operation activities In support of the external relations, including the development policy of the Community, specific measures aimed at encouraging international research cooperation will be undertaken. Apart from these specific measures, third country participation will be possible within the 7 thematic priorities.
JRC activities In accordance with its mission of providing scientific and technical support for Community policies, the JRC will provide independent, customer-driven support for the formulation and implementation of Community policies, including the monitoring of the implementation of such policies, within the areas of its specific competence.
Strengthening the foundations of ERA To stimulate the coherent development of research and technology policy in Europe by supporting programme co-ordination and joint actions conducted at national and regional level as well as among European organisations. Activities may be implemented in any scientific and technological area.
Co-ordination of research activities Develop synergies between existing national activities; enhance the complementarity between Community actions and those of other European scientific co-operation organisations in all fields of science (examples: health, biotechnology, environment, energy)
Development of research/innovation policies Encourage coherent development of research and innovation policies in Europe by early identification of challenges and areas of common interest and by providing policy makers with knowledge and decision-aiding tools.
Science and society To encourage the development of harmonious relations between science and society and the opening-up of innovation in Europe, as well as contributing to scientists' critical thinking and responsiveness to societal concerns, as a result of the establishment of new relations and an informed dialogue between researchers, industrialists, political decision-makers and citizens.
Nuclear energy Aims at intensifying and deepening the already well established co-operation at European level in the field of nuclear research.
Controlled thermonuclear fusion Controlled thermonuclear fusion could contribute to long-term energy supply and, therefore, to the requirements of sustainable development for a reliable centralised supply of baseload electricity.
Management of radioactive waste
The exploitation of nuclear fission energy for energy production requires progress to be made in the problem of waste, and more particularly the industrial implementation of technical solutions for the management of long-lived waste.Radiation protection Vigilance is still required to ensure a continuation of the EU outstanding safety record. EU enlargement introduces new challenges. Improvement of radiation protection continues to be a priority area. Activities will be carried out in several areas including "risk and emergency management", "radio-ecology", "protection of workplace and environment", ...
Other activities in the field of nuclear technologies and safety To respond to the scientific and technical needs of the policies of the Community in the fields of health, energy and the environment, to ensure that the European capability is maintained at a high level in relevant fields not covered by priority thematic areas, and to contribute towards the creation of the European Research Area.
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